When Everything Seems Right, But...
Samantha had been in love with Jake for as long as she could remember. They had been high school sweethearts, but broke up and never saw each other again for years.
One day, after news of a mutual friend's passing, they managed to reconnect. That began everything all over again.
They both said they felt like no time had passed. Was this their second miraculous chance?
Samantha and Jake moved in together within months. Jake often told her that he wanted to be with her forever.
But he was very uncomfortable at the prospect of marrying Samantha.
Samantha was patient for a long while. She tried to understand his hesitation.
But ultimately she had to admit, she felt heartbroken.
It was hard not to feel hurt, rejected, and "less than."
Sometimes she wondered if there was something wrong with her or if Jake didn't truly love her as much as he said he did.
It Hurts, Doesn't It?
In a perfect world, commitments would never be a struggle! No one wants
their beloved to feel cornered into a commitment!
No woman ever wants to feel that she has no other choice but to tell a man "commit to me or I'm leaving you." Those are fighting words!
Commitment and confrontation don't mix when it comes to love.
Yet some people resort to confrontation in order to "move the relationship to the next level." This is never a good idea!
Perhaps you're with a man who doesn't want to let you go, but who insists that marriage is just a piece of paper, and therefore he doesn't want to marry you.
Perhaps you're with a man who promises that you'll get married "someday" and you've been waiting for that "someday" over and over for the past seven years. Or maybe you just want him to commit to being a couple with a future!
What should you do? Should you give him an ultimatum?
It's called the Reverse Ultimatum.
Mimi's "Reverse Ultimatum" is a technique that shows you how you can start moving your relationship toward a commitment.
- Paige Parker, Author of Dating Without Drama
An ultimatum is a showdown, and in a showdown, somebody always loses.
A traditional ultimatum always backfires sooner or later, because someone is being forced into something they didn't choose of their own free will.
But the Reverse Ultimatum is a Stress-Free kind of ultimatum. In truth, it's not an ultimatum at all!
In a Reverse Ultimatum there will be no losers, because no one is being forced to surrender.
The Reverse Ultimatum: Same Results, Fewer Calories
Your goal with a Reverse Ultimatum is the same as with a traditional ultimatum. Both are intended to cause a complacent man to recognize that he needs to take action to claim you - or else lose you.
A Reverse Ultimatum is the kindest and most efficient way of accomplishing this goal. You start the inevitable process - the fact that he will lose you if he doesn't commit - with much greater subtlety.
There will be no confrontation. You won't insult him or make demands when he's unwilling to surrender.
You won't embarrass yourself with an awkward Serious Talk that ends up with him telling you that you deserve someone else who is ready to make a commitment.
You won't blame him. You won't show bitterness, exasperation, rage, or disgust. Those are not the emotions from which a lifetime commitment is likely to spring.
The more you have allowed him to be the pursuer, the easier and more natural it will be for you to gracefully move into your Reverse Ultimatum. But you can easily pull this off even if you've been stuck in Commitment Purgatory for a decade, and even if you told him you're leaving and you didn't leave.
What's In The Reverse Ultimatum?
How To Intensify His Desire To Make You His
How To Use Human Nature To Make Him Desire You
How To Understand When A Man's Fears Can Cause Him To Want Nothing Less Than The Ultimate Commitment With
The Key to Getting Your Man To Want To Commit To You
How To Make Him Miss You More Than Ever In His Life
How To Make Him Realize He Can't Live Without You
How To Propose To A Man (You Probably Won't Need To, But This Is Handy To Know!)
How To Make Him Realize He Could Lose You
What To Do After the Reverse Ultimatum
How To Recognize Your Golden Moment To Get a Commitment
Special Report: "He Only Wants To Live Together"
And Much More!
The Reverse Ultimatum Isn't Just For Getting Married
The principles in the Reverse Ultimatum can help you to get closer to a man, even if marriage is not your goal. It can be used in dating relationships and even in marriages.
Here's what you can do with the principles in the Reverse Ultimatum:
Make It Official
Get engaged and married
Be in an exclusive relationship
Officially be his girlfriend and for this to known by friends and family,
both yours and his
Find Out If This is Real
Find out if he truly loves you and is capable of taking action
Find out if your relationship has long-term potential or if he just sees
you as a temporary girlfriend
Find out whether he's really interested in you
Heal a Relationship Problem
Revive the passion in your relationship or marriage
Eliminate your competition
Fix mistakes so you can regain the balance in your relationship
Move Forward With Someone You Don't See Enough
Go from not knowing when you're going to hear from him, to talking to him
every day and seeing him several times per week
Go from dating him occasionally to being his girlfriend
Move Forward in an Established Relationship
Make him want more of your time
Move your relationship closer
Make him wake up and stop taking you for granted
Become a priority in his life, because you're in love with him, and he is
a priority in your heart
Make Him More Responsive To You
Get treated with more consideration for your needs
Get treated with more consideration for your feelings
Get treated with more respect and admiration
Make him want to be a priority in your life
Be Cherished by Him
Make him realize that he doesn't want to lose you
Make him realize that he doesn't want to live without you
Mimi Tanner's books, which have sold tens of
thousands of copies, are legendary landmarks in the relationship field. Her
email columns have been read by more than half a
million people.
Mimi Tanner is simply one of the best when it comes to writing to women on the art of finding and keeping a great man. She became well-known on a global scale in a relatively short time. Why? Because she covers highly in-demand subjects with a flair and disarming friendliness that is unequalled.
Relationship Coaches Scot and Emily McKay
Hosts of "X and Y on the Fly" Podcasts
From a Reader of the Reverse Ultimatum
Warmest wishes,
Later this same person wrote me the following:
So 10 months into the relationship I could tell that things were not only starting to feel stagnated, but I was being severely taken for granted. Honestly I couldn't go on like that, so I had no choice but to do the "Reverse Ultimatum," and if it worked, great. But I really felt like it was going to be over (which was quite painful) but this way of handling things seemed the most natural with no drama involved.
I read the chapters that I had over and over and over for reinforcement. I stayed happy (faked it) and made every excuse not to see him. I was never prepared for his reaction and he started going crazy and showing up at my house with flowers (a first) and then asked if I wanted a ring. But I held my ground and six weeks later we were engaged. And yes, he bought me the most beautiful ring!
I never gave any ultimatum, I just let him know that we were on two different pages, and that he didn't want to get married and he deserved to have what he wanted, but I deserved what I wanted too, and that is to get married.
When we had that conversation after six weeks of him chasing me around (that was actually a lot of fun now that I look back) he said, "Sign me up! We can go tonight if you like." Three months later, we were married. And life is wonderful, he is a wonderful husband! I really really really want to say thank you, because your advice was right on.
M. D.
What People Are Saying
"Mimi writes an easy-to-read guide, which provides immediate results and can help avoid confusion and heartache. Traditional views and concepts are flawed and do not represent the truer essence of human nature. It's not trickery, but merely a guide for balancing a relationship with love and respect while providing opportunity to see if the glass slipper fits."
"Well, I put her information to work, and let me just say he did everything just as Mimi said it would happen... Including the four words every in love girl wants to hear.
"Her words are right on the money, and if you put them into play the way she instructs, it will help you also!"
"Pressure only creates resistance, so following the plan laid out in this book allows a relationship to decompress without imploding.
"We've all tried the 'other option' with usually poor results-Mimi's approach helps to restore a balance and dignity to a relationship from which possible healing and progress can be made. In the worst case scenario, you have begun to restore a life to return to if the relationship is truly over.
"The Reverse Ultimatum is a worthy read."
It gives you a different angle to view things from so you feel more empowered."

- Robert
Why Wait Any Longer?
- M.D.
What's Included In Your Order of the Reverse Ultimatum?

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Plus The Bonus Special Report:
"He Just Wants To Live Together"

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My Promise To You
I guarantee that when you try out these methods as described, you'll experience SUCCESS in getting closer and closer to a commitment in a relationship with a man who is in love with you.
The man who was backing off will begin moving toward you as you apply these methods.
The relationship will begin to go in your favor, and you'll feel a sense of power and fun.
I want your experience of the Reverse Ultimatum program to be wonderful.
I'm passionate about the subject of what it takes to make men fall in love with you. This program must actually work for you, either now of in the future when you need it.
Following the tips in this program WILL work with the men in your life - and you will feel "armed and ready" to handle these sometimes sensitive situations.
You'll know what to do like never before - and these principles will become second nature to you.
You'll discover when and why "less is more" when it comes to getting a commitment from the love of your life.
This is your future we're talking about!
Many women email me and tell me that they read this program again and again when they need the strength; when they need a refresher course, and when they need ideas on what to do and what not to do during those all-important moments!
Give your man a chance to step up to the plate during those critical times and CLAIM you.
Every time he does this, he has invested more of himself in you - and this makes a big difference when it comes to STAYING together.
What People Are Saying
"Mimi writes an easy-to-read guide, which provides immediate results and can help avoid confusion and heartache. Traditional views and concepts are flawed and do not represent the truer essence of human nature. It's not trickery, but merely a guide for balancing a relationship with love and respect while providing opportunity to see if the glass slipper fits."
"Well, I put her information to work, and let me just say he did everything just as Mimi said it would happen... Including the four words every in love girl wants to hear.
"Her words are right on the money, and if you put them into play the way she instructs, it will help you also!"
"Pressure only creates resistance, so following the plan laid out in this book allows a relationship to decompress without imploding.
"We've all tried the 'other option' with usually poor results-Mimi's approach helps to restore a balance and dignity to a relationship from which possible healing and progress can be made. In the worst case scenario, you have begun to restore a life to return to if the relationship is truly over.
"The Reverse Ultimatum is a worthy read."
It gives you a different angle to view things from so you feel more empowered."
- Robert
- M.D.